3 Foundation Failure Examples You Should be Aware of

Foundation repair leads to failure is nothing uncommon. Here are three examples that you need to know regarding the failure of such projects.

3 Special Exhibits of Foundation Failure

Despite the increasingly common losses in households and buildings in North Texas, national or foreign attention is seldom paid. However, many instances of serious collapse of foundations warrant astonishment. Three stunning examples of fundamental failure in modern and less recent history are presented here.

  • Ocean Tower Project

South Padre Island's Ocean Tower is an example of a popular foundation collapse right now in Texas. The Ocean Tower was originally built as a 31-story condo building. The building of the tower could not however be completed due to the fundamental problems discovered at the beginning of 2008. The expansive ground under the tower started to compress and lean back. The building had to be abandoned by 2009. Construction ceased.

  • Transcona Grain Elevator Project

The Grain Elevator of Transcona was a Canadian Pacific Railway grain storage plant. It was not even a day before foundation issues came up, the Transcona Grain Elevator. On 18 October 1913, as grain was moved indoors, the building started to settle. The building sunk one foot into the ground in the first hour after it was unloaded. The next day, a whole 27 degrees westward was tilted. Investigators noticed that it was founded on layered clay, which had layers of silt salt in all the clay layers, which were highly unstable.

  • Leaning Tower of PISA

Foundation failure did not destroy a building entirely in at least one situation. When work started on the Pisa Tower 840 years ago, staff immediately faced soil-related problems. Work stopped in Italy for almost a century as a result of political instability, but in 1272 the building resumed despite its famous foundation. There have been several failures to make up for low soil quality. Today, the tower is descending, but due to the reconstruction of the base at a much slower rate.

Why Trust Ram Jack?

Ram Jack is one of the reputed companies in Edmond, OK which you can trust for foundation repair. You can come to us if you need any kind of issues with your foundation. You can come to us for any of the repairing work. Visit our website to know more about our services.


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