Can Poor Drainage Affect Home Foundation?

Drainage problems might strike when you least expect it. Drainage problems can not only cause havoc on your land, but they can also cause significant damage to your home's foundation. If you notice little puddles in your home or parts of your yard where water swells and collects after a rainstorm, you may have drainage issues. If this happens, it's critical to get to the bottom of the problem as soon as possible. Most of the time, when these problems are detected early on, they are simple to resolve. They can, however, cause home damage over time.

Here are some things to keep an eye out for foundation repair if you suspect a drainage problem:

The Gutters

We neglect our gutters much too often. One merely has to recall the ancient phrase, "out of sight, out of mind." However, disregarding your gutters can cause major difficulties for your property and result in costly future repairs, such as foundation repair. Dead leaves, twigs, and other foreign materials can clog gutters if they are not maintained. Your gutters are most likely clogged if they overflow during a downpour. Not only are gutters necessary to avoid drainage issues that can damage your home's foundation, but maintaining them clean can also help to avoid cosmetic problems.

Problems with Downspouts

When it rains, there is a massive amount of water that collects. If this volume of water is not correctly redirected using gutters, it can flood the backyard and lead more foundation damage. Gutter extensions are reasonably priced and should extend at least five feet from your home. Depending on your home's location, that's a reasonable duration. If there is a tiny slope away from the house, the water will normally drain away, but if there isn't, make sure there is enough room for the water to flow away from your home. When the dirt becomes saturated, it can soak into the foundation and cause serious problems.

Your Foundation Has Cracks

Minor foundation cracks are not uncommon. This occurs as the structure of your home settles over time. These flaws could develop to a worse problem if they aren't addressed. If you notice longer cracks than 1/8 inch, you should have your foundation inspected.

While many tiny cracks can be quickly repaired with hydraulic cement or caulk, if the gaps are steadily widening, you may have foundation problems and should consult specialists for foundation repair.

Mosquitoes, Puddles, and Standing Water

If your grass remains soggy after a downpour, you may have a soil problem. Because you don't want your yard to turn into a pond (unless you want to make one), it's critical to address soil drainage issues as soon as possible.

Because many parts of OKC are hot for most of the year, the water quickly evaporates when the sun returns. Puddles that keep growing are a solid indication of having a drainage issue. These puddles can also serve as a breeding ground for insects and pathogens that can harm your family.

Have your soil tested if this is a returning issue. You may need to install an irrigation system and set up a system for the water to drain properly away from your home. The lengthier the issue remains, the more likely the water will seep into your foundation, which is something you want to avoid because it can cause a slew of problems. See us at Ram Jack and know how to deal with these problems.


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