Causes Behind Foundation Damage You Should be Aware of

The main way homes have been built since the 1970s is through concrete flooring foundations. The foundation is poured over the ground and is made of thick rebar-stocked concrete. Although the foundation has replaced the crawl space, it can still be difficult to build a foundation. The top concrete plate foundation issues have been established. You may need to look for foundation repair companies in Oklahoma City.

Upheaval is opposite of settlement. The foundation in the areas grows. This could be caused by an increased moisture content of clay soil or an unsuitable base. If your walls, floors or countertops are no longer level, the signs of your plate foundation will experience revolution.

A PVR report, also known as Vertical Rise Potential, is best acquired before building a home to prevent upheaval. Make sure you have proper drainage if you already live at home. Humidity and plastic soils like terre are a recipe for upheaval.


Foundation cracks can be caused by numerous settlement and rebellion factors. When the foundation has been broken, the joints can be split and insects, water or humidity can enter the house. A hairline crunch can become a major problem. Are there any cracks visually inspecting the foundation? If so, is it more than 1/16 of an inch? If so, you have to make a difference. It is advisable to contact a specialist in foundation repair to advise you on the severity of the issue. They must take preventive action to patch the crack and to keep it from worsening.


All homes have a settling experience. It's the natural way to sink into the soil. Nonetheless, settling will contribute to your home's problems. Founding problems which are not solved will cause your home catastrophic problems. It's time that you see a specialist when you experience cracking on the bricks, walls or windows of your home or if you have doors that lock. These signs point to a problem with the foundation.

The construction of helical piers or piles is the only way to correct the solution. We help and discourage the foundation from going forward.


Piers can move from time to time and can cause problems on your slab base. It isn't a concern immediately, but it happens to your home slowly. This leads to the same kind of problems that can be resolved. Cracks, windows, floors and damage to the chimney are included.

Installing new piers to stabilize the home is the best way to fix a changing foundation.

Improper design

The last problem with the concrete base is an unsuitable base. This could be because an engineer was not consulted on a correct geological survey, because he did not follow professional recommendations for foundation building, had used the wrong foundation type or even had not made the foundation correctly physically.

Regardless of the foundation issue, a specialist is best consulted. You don't want to proceed to a fundamental failure with a minor problem. If you are looking for foundation repair companies in Oklahoma City, you can contact Ram Jack without any doubt.


Differences Between Settling and Foundation Problems


Type of Drainage System and its Repair Process