Cracking the Code: When to Repair Your Home Foundation

Your home's foundation is one of the most crucial aspects of your property's structure, providing a solid base for the entire building. However, over time, the foundation may develop cracks, leading to structural damage and other issues that can impact the safety and stability of your home. As a homeowner, it's essential to identify the different types of foundation cracks and know when to seek professional home foundation repair services. Let's explore the four most common foundation cracks and when you must repair them to keep your home safe and secure.

Don't Crack Under Pressure: Understanding Foundation Cracks

Not all foundation cracks are created equal. Some are minor and don't require immediate attention, while others are more serious and require home foundation repair promptly. Here are the four types of foundation cracks to be aware of:

Going Sideways: The Dreaded Horizontal Crack

A horizontal crack is a serious issue that indicates the foundation is under severe pressure. This type of crack requires immediate home foundation repair from a professional. If left unaddressed, the pressure can cause the foundation to collapse, significantly damaging your home.

Stepping Up Your Foundation Game: Stair Step Crack

A stair-step crack resembles a set of stairs typically found in brick or concrete block foundations. This type of crack is a sign that the foundation is settling, and repair is necessary to prevent further damage to your home.

The Straight and Narrow: Vertical Crack Warning Signs

A vertical crack is a common type of foundation crack often caused by the natural settling of your home. While not usually a serious issue, if the crack widens over time, it can become a more significant problem and require repair.

Diagonal Damage: The Foundation Crack You Can't Ignore

A diagonal crack is a serious issue and is typically a sign of foundation movement or settling. If left unaddressed, this type of crack can significantly damage your home, including structural and water damage. The best solution is to contact the foundation repair specialist to come to take a look.

Strong Foundations: Why Home Foundation Repair Matters

You must take action immediately if you notice any cracks in your foundation. Foundation repair is a specialized field, and hiring a professional with experience and expertise is crucial. When looking for home foundation repair in Edmond, OK, look at Ram Jack by American Leveling. They offer various services, including the best foundation repair, foundation leveling, and waterproofing.

To Repair or Not to Repair: The Signs You Can't Ignore

In addition to the cracks mentioned above, there are other signs that your foundation may need repair. These include:

  • Uneven floors

  • Doors and windows that don't open or close properly

  • Cracks in the walls or ceiling

  • Sagging or bowing walls

If you notice any of these signs, it's essential to have your foundation inspected by a professional.

Put Your Foundation in Good Hands with Ram Jack by American Leveling

Your home is your most valuable asset, and keeping it in good condition is essential. If you suspect that your foundation may need repair, don't wait to take action. Call Ram Jack by American Leveling today to schedule a free foundation inspection in Edmond, OK. With our years of experience and expertise in foundation repair, you can trust that your home is in good hands.


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