Do You Know about the Foundation Repair Issues?

There are some common repair issues you may have to deal with over the years if your home was built using a pier and beam foundation. Fortunately, working with a company who can solve problems with your beam foundation at Oklahoma can resolve these issues. However, in order to avoid major problems that might affect the strength of your base you will need to contact them at the first time. Check out some of the problems with the foundations of pier and beam.

Saggy Floors

Do you feel like your floors are uneven? You probably aren't just imagining it if you trust a pier and a beam foundation. As the home starts settling into the soil layer underneath, the piers used to hold it start sinking making the floor uneven. Fortunately, you can repair your pier and beam foundation and solve this problem quite easily.

Cracked Piers

The piers used in the pier and beam foundation do not last forever. Due to age or surroundings, concrete piers can split and often cause homeowners problems. You should reach a foundation repair company immediately if you are suspected of your concrete piers collapsing to have a foundation check done. The company can adjust or replace your concrete piers, if necessary.

Mold Growth

Due to the way the foundations are built, the moisture can enter in the wooden beams and joists. It sometimes leads to the production of mold and mildew and will also cause wood to rot. You can keep your beam and pier foundation strong by replacing humidity affected wood.

Soil Movement

Steel and/or concrete piers may shift over time. Soil and water-related movement, particularly in the area of Oklahoma are concerns. In the later part of the sixties, pier and beam foundations became popular and many of the houses you see today are old and damaged by the movement of the soil. It's a common problem.

Water Damage

As these foundations aren't flush with the soil, complications are often caused by the underlying water and moisture and this is worsening. A drainage system that can remove the water from the foundation is extremely important. Water is more of a problem than on the foundations with these types of properties.

See us at Ramjack by American Leveling for foundation repair. Call us for foundation replacement or any similar requirement. Visit our website and book your schedule now in Oklahoma.


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