Finding the Home Foundation Problem Signs

While investing on a new house there are a plenty of things to think about. You must not forget about the most important part of the house that is the foundation. Before starting with consideration of colors and cupboards, you must not forget about the foundation. The foundation holds the house and if you cannot find and repair the foundation, it can cost you a lot of money.

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The Things to Look for –

  • The misaligned windows and doors – This is a sign of failing or settling foundation and if so happens in your house there could be foundation damage.

  • Sticky doors

  • Windows tough to open

  • Uneven staircase and floor

  • Drywall crack

  • Wall seam gap

  • Cracks in exterior concrete

Testing Doors and Windows

A single window can be tough to close but if you find multiple windows tough to close that could be a foundation problem.

Sagging Floors or Ceilings

Sagging floors and ceilings are the signs of foundation problem. If a home foundation moves, there could be a compacting effect on walls and beams. This move can make the house to sit unevenly and cause sagging ceiling and floor.

Musty Smell

Musty smell coming from crawlspace and basement corner can be a sign of foundation trouble. This odor can come from mildew growth and also from leaked basement walls. This one can also be plumbing problem and can be caused by seeping moisture through the foundation cracks.

Mold Source

Basement mildew and mold growth in the windows and walls indicate moisture accumulation in the home. Check for the mold prone areas for treating the foundation cracks and gaps.

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Gaps in Exterior in Interior Wall

If you find gaps in the exterior and interior walls, windows, that means the foundation could be moving. These are the gaps to allow water and insects making more structural damage.

Popping out Nail

The nail pops are tiny and round cracks in the walls where the nails have started to pull away. It is easy to fix but if it happens frequently but it can happen due to foundation problem.

If you find one or more than one sign at your home with the foundation, you would need immediate foundation repair. Make a schedule with Ramjack by American leveling for the same.