Foundation Maintenance : Few Important Tips

Your house is the biggest investment you want to protect. Have you taken the proper steps to protect your foundation? A foundation is a structure that connects your house to the ground. Therefore any type of foundation problem may lead you to major issues. All you need to do is to maintain your foundation well. Foundation maintenance is an important concern. It will help you avoid foundation repair issues in future. And in the end, you will be able to save money. If you are looking for foundation repair in the Oklahoma City area, you can contact a professional foundation repair company.

Soil expands when it absorbs water. And it starts to contract as it loses water. This movement allows foundations to crack. Foundation maintenance is all about taking proper steps to make sure your foundation acts well in seasonal weather conditions. Here are a few important foundation maintenance tips to help you:

Inspection Is Required

If your home foundation gets damaged, there will be certain signs. If the walls and ceilings of your home show the signs of cracks, it means your home is having foundation distress. Apart from them, uneven and cracked floors are one of the few signs. You need to check your crawl space for the signs of rot and moisture.

Watering Is Required

Take soaker hoses and faucets, bury the hose deep (3 inches) into the ground at the edge of your foundation. It will allow your soil to soak water in an evenly manner. Dried and cracked soil will allow water to travel deep. Make sure not to place the hose pipe against the foundation.

Install Foundation Drainage System

Having a good foundation drainage system will allow you to discharge unnecessary water. Too much water is not a good sign for your foundation. A well-maintained foundation drainage system helps you get rid of unnecessary rainwater. It helps your foundation from ‘upheaval’. If drainage allows water to stand around your foundation, make sure you fix the drainage issue right on time.

Install a Root Barrier (If Required)

When you have large trees around the structure of your foundation, you may have problems. Large tree roots will reach the structure of your foundation and cause damage. In order to prevent the tree roots reaching your foundation you need to install a root barrier. Root barriers, made of plastic, metal and other materials implanted on the ground. They don’t allow the tree roots to reach your foundation. You can contact a foundation repair company if you are looking for foundation repair in the Oklahoma City area.

If you are able to trace foundation issues, you must contact foundation repair specialists to help you. Delay in repair may cost you big in future. That’s why Ram Jack, an American leveling company is here to help the people of Oklahoma. Don’t put yourself at risk, contact us today. We’re your foundation specialists. Our trained and experienced crew members will help you fix the foundation issue in no time. Pick up your phone and give us a call.


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