Foundation Repair and House Issues – How Long to Wait?

Worker pouring concrete mix at home foundation

Foundation damage can completely destroy the integrity of your house. If there are signs of foundation damage in your home like heaving, settling, you should call a professional for house foundation repair. Once the repairs are done, you may need to repair a few components at home and some minor follow-ups.

  1. Mortar

    The component that holds the brick walls together is mortar. When the foundation is damaged, the structure starts to settle, the mortar can deteriorate. You must repair the mortar if you want to keep the water away from the exterior wall. You should also give a check to the interior exposed brick to have an aesthetically appealing finish.

  2. Drywall

    When the foundation moves, the interior drywall may get splits. You may to caulk those cracks using hot mud or finish mud. If there are large cracks or large holes you need to patch those but that is little time taking process.

  3. Paint

    When the foundation damage makes the walls cracked, you may need to paint all over it again. It must be done once the structural damages are repaired. For interior and exterior walls you should follow this order. Exterior wall cracks must be caulked by using waterproof painting and it also keeps the house dry.

  4. Tile

    Another sign of foundation damage is brittle and cracked bathroom floor and tiles. Though you can replace the tiles, but house foundation repair will be wiser. Wait for four weeks after foundation repair and then replace the tiles.

How Long You Can Wait for House Repair after Foundation Repair?

If you are conscious enough you can detect the signs of foundation damage at an early stage. In a few cases, foundation error can also cause roofing problems. Huge drywall cracks, doors sticking together are the signs of the foundation damage. After repairing the foundation you need to repair these house problems separately.

Obviously you want to repair all the house problems, but you must wait for at least six months to repair the issues after foundation repair. Even for minor drywall repair, you should wait for this period. The reason is settling foundation. After repair, the foundation will need a time to settle down in the previous condition. It needs to go back to the condition when it was first installed. If you do not do so, there could be new problems occurring in your house that certainly you do not want. This same goes to the foundation problems.

Contact Ram Jack by American Leveling to repair your house foundation in Oklahoma. Visit us and book your schedule.