Foundation Repair-Comprehending the Best Time of the Year

When was the last time you checked your foundation? Can’t remember, right? Ignorance can severely harm your property and damage your whole structure. Many different things can damage the foundation of your house. If your building underwent construction many years ago, it is more prone to damage than the newer ones.

Furthermore, it is essential to understand the best time for foundation repair in the Oklahoma City area. Most foundation repair specialists say that homeowners must address the issue as soon as it becomes noticeable. However, you can prepare your home for winter by repairing any issue with the foundation during this time.

Understand Your Foundation First

Before looking for a repair, you must understand what type of foundation you have. Your property likely has a concrete slab foundation. That is because nowadays, most modern-day houses get constructed on this type The foundation repair professional can help you understand what kind of foundation you have and what repairs you need.

The Best Month for Foundation Repair

Winter- Note that winter is an ideal time for foundation repair services. It is because the main enemy of the foundation is moisture. Complications start arriving mainly during the rainy season.

Once those months are over, you can think about reliable foundation repair support. Besides that, the soil near your foundation is more stable during winter than in other seasons. You must talk to your repair professional about how much time the whole project can take.

Fall & Spring: You must avoid the rainy season while opting for a repair of your foundation. The main reason is that it can affect the quality of the repair. Before starting any repair work, it is vital to monitor all the cracks.

The Worst Thing for Foundation- Water

Rain- If you want to know the worst thing for your foundation, it is water. It brings terrible news for the concrete that your foundation comprises. It can degrade the structure, thus creating all kinds of problems like cracks and breakage.

The worst that can happen is water can force breakdowns, which will be catastrophic for your building. Other than that, foundation repair is also necessary if water suddenly appears and disappears near that area. This situation forces the soil to expand and contract, paving the way for a sunken foundation.

Drainage Issue- Other than that, lousy drainage can also cause water damage to your foundation. If pooled water is in your property, it can add hydrostatic pressure to your structure. After the water evaporates, it can create grooves in your home’s foundation. The best solution to implement is contacting a foundation repair company.

Drought- Besides the complications during the rainy season, dryness can also be intimidating. If your area ever faces drought, it will cause the soil near your foundation to lose too much moisture. It will cause shrinking issues in the ground, thus creating a foundation shift.

Choose the Right Season for Your Repair

Now that you know how seasons affect your foundation, choose the right season and the right company. You can call Ram Jack by American Leveling Company, as we have some of the best professionals on our team with years of experience in this field. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 405.787.9229 for more details.


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