Foundation Repair Warranty: The Economical way to Live Safer

Foundation repair is a costly service to obtain. Because of this reason, many homeowners back off from getting it as they need help to arrange the finances. But there are a lot of foundation repair companies that provide warranties for their work. If you read the documents carefully and learn what remains in the warranty, this could be a great way to save money in the long run.

If you live in Oklahoma, Ram Jack is an excellent company for getting services. It provides incredibly high-quality and professional support along with a great warranty. But before you avail yourself of our services, you must know some essential details about foundation repair warranties. So read this article carefully and note all the vital factors that may help you save money.

About Limited Lifetime Warranty

Most foundation companies in Oklahoma provide limited lifetime warranties for their services. But as it is a very confusing term, you need to know what it means before you form a contract.

A limited lifetime warranty means the homeowner will have to pay for all the adjustments after a certain time.

About Builder's Warranty

Other than the foundation company's warranty, the builder's warranty is also a great way to repair your foundation. However, it usually lasts around 1-2 years. But you can extend the warranty by paying more money.

About Ram Jack Warranty

Ram Jack provides you with a lifetime warranty that gets backed by a warranty. Ram Jack foundation repairs have been around for over four decades. Our customers vouch for our warranty-related stuff and can tell you why it is better.

What Does Your Warranty Cover?

In most cases, the repair company only provides a warranty for the foundation section they have serviced. If that area gets damaged soon, the company should pay for all the materials and labor used to repair the damage.

But when your home foundation gets damaged, it is never limited to one section. That means more than just a single foundation repair is necessary to bring back the lost strength of your house. Unfortunately, the warranties from the repair professionals will not pay for these extra repairs.

Some uncontrollable factors could void the warranty from the repair service providers. Tornadoes, storms, and earthquakes are fantastic examples of such uncontrollable events. Also, if your home faces severe plumbing leaks, that could void the warranty. Even if you get the cracks because of poor maintenance, that can act as a roadblock.

The warranties of all the companies are not the same. That is why you need to read all the documents first before signing any contract. However, if you bring your issues to Ram Jack, we are sure that you will be able to get a good warranty.

A Few Words About Us

We are Ram Jack, the pioneer of Ram Jack deep dive foundation repair. Most of our operations occur in Oklahoma. Choosing the original is best if you're looking for Ram Jack in OKC.. With our help, your foundation repair job will be smooth like butter. And the best part is you will get a good warranty.


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