How Can Tree Roots Affect a House Foundation?

You can associate damage to the foundation with highly apparent events such as earthquakes and floods, yet it can happen slowly and subtly. Shifting of the soil and tree root invasion could result in the settling or cracking of building materials. Roots can cause damage by penetrating or affecting the composition of the ground. You may even need the assistance of a residential structural engineer.


Some trees can cause these problems more likely. The root depth is shallow and they grow quickly. Oaks, poplars, elms, spruce Norway, Crimean pine, sycamore, aspen, ash, cottonwood, boxelder, and tulip trees are all species. Two more examples are the maples of Silver and Norway.


It is essential not to place a tree too close to your home if you plant a tree. While these plants have many advantages, they can harm every outside of a building unknowingly. Carefully select a plant; most pines have a lower chance of damaging foundation and sidewalks.

Do not fertilize the soil near or adjacent to your house. Gutters can help to keep the soil dry and prevent growth. When you cut branches, roots are less rapidly growing. Make an effort to cut it off quickly if it is close to your foundation.


Some people try to maintain their roots by installing obstacles in the soil. These products remain uncertain about their effectiveness, but it is clear that they have to stretch several feet underneath the surface. Otherwise, the roots will only grow below and expand until they arrive.

Tree Root Invasion in Foundation

Roots damage concrete foundations significantly. Roots may occasionally find their way through and enlarge existing cracks. But as long as you keep your base, there are no problems with tree roots.

Signs like the following you will notice:

  • Cracks on the floor of your foundation

  • Vertical splits mostly on the walls of your foundation

  • Cracked or broken windows with no other trauma evidence

  • Uneven window and door frames

  • Buckling on the surface of the floor

Damage Prevention

Install root barriers and then plant trees. These obstacles divert the roots more deeply from the ground, the grounds, plumbing and more.

Remove the offending roots. But use this tip for caution because some trees may die if small root portions are cut. An expert in tree trimming can complete this step without harming the tree. Install root barriers and feed the rest of the tree while waiting for healing.

Remove the root system as far as possible from the whole tree. You will need to call a tree removal specialist to chop these trees in order to save your home. Your trees play a major role in the appearance of your house, but when they destroy your house, you cannot leave them there.

Call our residential structural engineer in OKC at Ramjack by American leveling for help. We would guide you through the process.


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