How Does Weather Affect the Foundation?

There is no denial that home foundation is of immense importance.  Often we forget to take care of it and it results in severe foundation problems. It has been long discussed, that the warning signs of foundation problems and the after effects. Very few talks about the weather repercussions on the foundation. Here in this article, we will explore this aspect and foundation repair.

Foundation Damage from Heat

The rising summer temperature and the drought make the water evaporate from the foundation. It causes leaks, cracks and also weakens the foundation. The high temperature also makes the soil dry and it causes foundation settling. The foundation settling is one of the major causes of an uneven foundation and cracks.

Water Damages Foundation

When it will start raining again, the existing gaps and cracks by high temperature will create new problems. This way the water will enter the basements, under the home. It increases the risks of foundation weakening, potential flood risks and water damage. If the soil around the foundation is saturated with water the foundation will settle more.

Cold Weather Damage

An extremely cold weather is not good for pre-existing gaps and cracks. The dropping temperature makes the concrete foundation to contract. When the temperature will rise again the cracks will start expanding and it will make the cracks larger.

When it rains and snow fall starts water constantly gets soil penetration. When the soil is wet it starts expanding. When the water freezes it expands more. This expansion is known as frost heaves.

Frost Heaves and Foundation Problems

A frost heave tales place when the soil swells upwards because of the freezing temperature. In this condition the soil starts pushing the foundation and also puts pressure on the foundation walls. It will cause damage to the foundation leading more problems.

Call Ram Jack for foundation repair in Edmond, OK. We will help to reverse the weather effects on the foundation.


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