How Plate Anchors Are Used in Foundation Repair?

Plate anchors are known to be economical products for restoring foundations that offer many benefits. With equipment that is easy to get to any job site, they are fast and simple to mount. At the location of the anchor installation, there won't be a lot of digging. They are ideal for bowing walls, broken walls, and walls that have been compromised by hydrostatic pressure (pressure-exerting water build-up in the soil around foundation walls. These plate anchors will help restore your home's property value and require no maintenance after installation.

Do you have holes or base walls bowing down? The most cost-effective foundation repair technique used to stabilize bowing basement walls is plate anchors, also known as wall anchors. Their unique nature makes the process of installation productive to get the work completed in a timely manner. Today, contact Ramjack, a reputed foundation repair company in Edmond, so we can alleviate your leaning, bowing, or cracking walls in Oklahoma City.

One of the greatest causes of damage is hydrostatic pressure. The pressure causes tension against the foundation walls if water builds up around your house in the soil. Bowing or leaning walls are accompanied by cracks, enabling water to penetrate basements.

On the outside of the base, hydrostatic pressure refers to water pressure. This pressure is a major concern because, as well as basement flooding, it also leads to a collapsing foundation.

When the soil covering the base saturates with water, hydrostatic pressure occurs. If your land slopes toward your base, this can happen. It weighs more when the soil around your home is saturated with water creating lots of strain on the base therein. This will cause your base to crack horizontally if left uncorrected. A horizontal base crack is a tell-tale indicator of a failure of the foundation. Make a schedule with foundation Repair Company for the quick repair work.


The anchors are placed in affected walls in order to counteract hydrostatic pressure. With portable equipment, these anchors are easily mounted. The installation process is reasonably quick, and within a single day it is complete in most cases. In the areas to mount the anchors, the installation process starts with sod removal and soil excavation. The contractor of foundation repair companies inserts the rod from the inside into the wall after excavation. If the rod is firmly on the wall, it is possible to mount, torque, and seat the earth and wall anchors. This method of construction causes little or no damage to the environment because upon completion, the soil is instantly restored to its original position.

See us at Ramjack by American Leveling in Oklahoma City for foundation repair. For more foundation details and structural engineer, call us.


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