How to Keep Home Foundation Well-Maintained?

Foundation maintenance is the most considerable part for avoiding emergence of foundation repair. The clay soils are the most problematic type to create foundation issues at the home. The problems come from variations of moisture in soil such as clay soils, dry etc. The shrink rate of dry and clay soils are different and they often cause foundation settlement. Clay soil when is wet has increased volume. Lacking in concrete slab maintenance causes foundation uplift. It reduces the possibilities of foundation settling or failure. When the moisture level of the supporting soil of the concrete is distributed uniformly it can aid in concrete slab maintenance.


There are certain things that can assist in preventing cracks if the slab foundation is maintained correctly. The slab foundations tend to have cracks of 4 inched width and the perimeter beams are often 10 inches thick. The soil moisture ratio should be maintained all the yearlong irrespective of the seasons to make sure the soil stability is good as well as it will dissipate the requirements of foundation repair.

A professional sprinkler can be used to maintain the moisture level of the soil.


Water deposit underneath a slab foundation is a threat and can leave a huge negative impact on the performance of foundation. The first sign of the leak is pressure of the drain lines and it will stop the water flow source and you should initiate to repair the plumbing system. A simple hydrostatic pressure test can help identify the leaks of the plumbing system. The leaks can compromise the foundation problems and only a professional can help in this regard.

Shrubs and trees are another considerable thing to leave negative impact on the foundation. The tree roots extract water from the soil non-uniformly. When it extracts water from the soil under and around the foundation it may cause differential movement. Trees should be kept from the house. You may install root barrier for protecting the house foundation.

Poor soil compaction is another area where you should take care of. When this is maintained properly the supporting soil would help prevent the differential movements and strains on a foundation. See us at Ramjack by American Leveling for foundation repair in Oklahoma City.


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