How to Tell Your Foundation Is Faulty

Your home’s foundation is the most integral part of the structure. A faulty foundation is no small goof-up and should be taken very seriously by homeowners. Even if your house was once strong and sturdy it’s possible for time or natural deterrents to wear down your foundation. If you suspect damage, contact foundation repair services immediately.

Tell-tale Signs of A Faulty Foundation

How can you tell that your foundation is succumbing to wear? Here are some signs that you should look out for -

  • Doors And Windows Sticking Out.

If your foundation becomes unstable and shifts even the tiniest amount it is going to take the door and window frames with it. You will feel a noted difference while opening or closing your doors and windows and that the frames don’t fit firm anymore.

  • Cracks Along The Floor.

Sometimes cracks caused by impact can be mistaken with cracks caused by a faulty foundation. An easy way to differentiate is by identifying if the cracks run long and straight spanning over a considerable area of the floor/wall. If the cracks were caused by impact, they’re likely to be contained to the particular area.

  • Uneven And Bowing Floors And Walls.

Sunken or heaved floors and bumpy walls can indicate problems with your foundation.

  • Water in The Basement.

Finding water seeping into your basement is usually a sign of a foundation that isn’t keeping up too well.

  • Diagonal Cracks Forming at The Corners of Doors And Windows.

Sometimes these cracks aren’t much to worry about and can happen if you have just moved in and the walls are settling in or if you the weather is having a go at your walls. However, unusually large cracks without any apparent reason can mean a faulty foundation.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair A Foundation?

It’s no secret that house foundation repair is a costly business. We suggest you look up costs and go in with a decent idea of how much to pay. Minor repairs can cost you as little as $500 but usually, most repairs will cost you in thousands. Depending on how much work needs to be done you can expect to pay anywhere from $2000-$7000. If the situation is especially bad and warrants major repair using expensive equipment like hydraulic piers, anchors and the like, the cost can reach the upside of $10,000.

If you want to calculate an exact estimate you should consider the following two factors.

  • Cause And Severity Of The Problem

Foundations that have been poorly maintained and/or built on improperly compacted soil are prone to many issues. The most common of which are cracks, sinking houses, bowed and rotated walls, and water intrusion in the basement/crawling space. The amount charged by the company will be determined by how hazardous and acute the problem is.

  • Method Undertaken To Repair The Foundation

There are different approaches to fix a struggling foundation, each involving varying degrees of labor and equipment. Given below the usual methods construction men employ and how much they cost.

1. Basement Piering.

Costs roughly around $1,000-$3,000 per hydraulic pier. Piering is a permanent solution to foundation problems. Here, the workers will dig down to the foundation and lift it with the piers and then proceed to stabilize it.

2. House Leveling.

Costs range from $500 to $1,300. Also referred to as jacking, this technique involves pumping a grout mixture under the concrete foundation to uplift it back into its place. It is more affordable but is not a permanent solution.

3. Foundation Stabilization.

Costs between $4,000 and $12,000 per 12 support strips. Steel and carbon fiber is used to address the bowing in floors and walls. Steel is more expensive and thus only used for severe shifts.

4. Foundation Sealing.

Costs around $2,000 to $7,000. Sealing waterproofs your basement and walls and takes care of dampness and leaks.

Suspect Your Foundation Needs Help? Don’t Delay!

Neglecting to repair your foundation will make matters much worse and a hefty monetary blow at that! Take immediate action and reach out to us via the contact form on our website. You can also call us at 405-787-9229. Ramjack by American leveling offers quality solutions at affordable prices for foundation repairs in the Oklahoma City area.


Signs Your Foundation Needs Repairing - Infographic


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