Important Merits and Demerits of a Pier and Beam Foundation

A pier and beam foundation, as the name suggests, is a foundation that makes use of concrete piers and support beams. The beams are used to support the weight of the house. The piers are placed at regular intervals surrounding the perimeter of the house and sometimes the interior regions as well. The beams are then positioned on top of the piers and the space between the ground and the beams, knowns as the crawl space is usually left bare. The space makes it easier to carry out pier and beam foundation repairs.

What are the Pros of a Pier and Beam Foundation?

  • When the house is raised above the ground, the elevation offered by the posts protects the house from flooding.

  • The foundation coming with a concrete slab makes it easier for the plumbing and electrical components to be set into the concrete. The crawl space that comes with a pier and beam foundation also makes it easier to access the area for repair and modifications.

  • If the property you are building is up a slope, the crew will suggest getting a pier and beam foundation as it is more suited for uneven turf.

  • These foundations are also easier to excavate and move around if needs be. As a result, associated labor costs go down.

What are the Cons of a Pier and Beam Foundation?

  • Crawl spaces can often advertise themselves as ideal breeding places for insect and pest infestations. You can place screens along the openings to minimize this problem.

  • In relation to pest infestations, crawl spaces are also prone to dampness. Sometimes it might even become necessary to drain away water in case your region gets heavy downpours.

  • The presence of a crawl space also makes your home susceptible to chilly winter draughts. The cold can be somewhat tackled by subflooring.

  • Pier and beam foundations are not recommended for earthquake-prone areas. The foundation piers shift under influence of trembling tectonic plates, and it is a very resource-intensive process to carry out pier and beam foundation repairs and get them back in place.

Foundation in Need of Repair? Call Us

Ramjack offered by American Leveling Company is a patented piling system that is used to permanently secure foundations. We can ensure that your foundation needs are met, whether you are in need of an urgent repair or embarking on a brand project. To get in touch, call us at 405-787-9229. We also offer financing options!


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