Is Your Home’s Foundation Naturally Settling or Is It a Deeper Problem?

Your home is your most prized possession and the single most valuable investment of your life. Just like a home is a steady anchor in our lives, a foundation is that steady anchor to the home. With the passing of time, gravity does a number on the foundation and it is normal to experience some settling. However, for an untrained individual, it can be difficult to distinguish normal settling from more serious problems in your foundation.

Better safe than sorry, we advise you to call in home foundation repair contractors if you suspect anything wrong with your foundation.

What Is Settling?

Foundational settling is used to refer to the natural sinking of the house into the ground over the years. Soil type, weather, and time are the biggest factors that contribute to the settling of a house. Often foundations that have been exposed to extreme weather conditions during construction, for example, drought or heavy downpours are more prone to sinking. Sometimes as rapidly as a few inches in a matter of weeks.

The natural settling happens over two different periods.

  • Initial Settling

This is the term for the settling that occurs in the first 2-3 years. Initial settling can be minimized with a strong and sturdily build foundation.

  • Ongoing settling.

This is a gradual process spanning over years. Ongoing settling takes place due to corrosion stemming from age and weather. It isn’t much to worry about and nothing regular foundation care can’t handle.

Foundation Problems Vs Natural Settling

Both situations aren’t very different to look at. A trusted home foundation repair personnel will be able to identify a true foundation problem if your house shows the following signs.

Water Seeping into the Basement

If you find water leaking into your basement it is probably indicating a damaged foundation. Sometimes a firm foundation can let in water too, but you should get it checked out anyway.

Large Horizontal Cracks along the Walls and Floor

Horizontal cracks snaking around the foundation are almost always an indication of severe foundational damage. These cracks also interfere with the energy efficiency of your house.

Doors and Windows Sticking Out

When the foundation shifts, the door and window frames misalign making them stick out. The doors and windows often get stuck and you can tell from the swing that it is off the mark. Since the change in alignment is caused by a foundational shift, it can just be just the natural settling doing its thing. Do note that it is only applicable for initial settling since the ongoing settling is a very slow process. During the latter, the sinking is too slow to produce any noticeable changes.

Jagged Cracks Appearing by the Corners of Doors and Windows

Another specific sign to look out for is diagonal cracks that stem from the corners of the door and window frames. These too are indisputable signs of a foundation that is unable to preserve its structural integrity.

Available Techniques for a Home Foundation Repair

If you came to the conclusion that your foundation does indeed need a repair, don’t worry too much. Here are some of the popular ways you can go about repairing.

Mud Jacking

Here a mud and cement mixture is pumped into the empty spaces below the sunken foundation. The mixture raises the foundation. The pumping is done by drilling holes in the concrete surface.

Steel Piering

Here steel or concrete piers are inserted below the foundation to provide structural support. Piers reach all the way down to the bedrock and do not move around even in expansive clay. They are a permanent solution to sinking foundations.

Sealant Patches

Waterproof masonry sealants are a good, affordable option to patch up cracks and holes in the foundation. They stop water from pooling into your basement at least temporarily. These are not permanent but can come in handy in a pinch.

Your Solution to Foundational Problems

Ramjack’s patented piling systems will take care of any foundation repair for once and for all. Tried and tested by hundreds of customers, we have built a name for ourselves in Oklahoma City. To avail our free foundation analysis visit our website today!


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