Lift Your Concrete Woes: Signs & Solutions for This Problem

Your home or business's foundation is an essential part of your property. If you notice that your concrete slabs are sinking, it could indicate underlying foundation problems. Fortunately, there's a solution to this problem, and that solution is concrete lifting. It is an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient way to fix sinking concrete slabs without breaking the bank. In this blog, we'll discuss the signs of sinking concrete slabs, their dangers, and the benefits of such a procedure.

The Slow, Sinking Feeling: How to Spot Signs of Concrete Woes

The Gaps of Wrath-

One of the most apparent signs of sinking concrete slabs is the presence of gaps or spaces between the slab and the surrounding structures. These gaps allow water to seep underneath the slab, causing further damage and instability. The gaps could also lead to weeds or moss growth, further damaging the slab.

Up and Down and All Around-

Another sign of a sinking concrete slab is when it becomes raised or depressed in certain areas. That can cause tripping hazards and can also be a sign that the slab is no longer extended level. Look for unevenness in the slab, indicating a sinking slab that can quickly get better through concrete lifting.

The Tale is a Slippery Slope-

If you notice that your concrete slab is sloping or has a noticeable tilt, the slab is likely sinking. That can cause water to pool in certain areas, leading to further damage and potential safety hazards. A sloping slab could also cause problems with drainage, which could lead to flooding.

The Perils of Sinking Concrete Slabs-

The area around a sinking concrete slab can also be a danger zone. If the slab is near a walkway, driveway, or other high-traffic areas, it can pose a tripping hazard and put people at risk of injury. Additionally, sinking slabs could damage vehicles parked on them, causing more harm.

Settlements and Payoffs-

Finally, signs of settlement can indicate that your concrete slab is sinking. It can include cracks in the slab or surrounding structures and visible sinking or settling of the slab itself. Settlements can also cause water to accumulate, which could lead to foundation damage.

Raising the Bar: Innovative Solutions for Sinking Concrete

If you've noticed signs of a sinking concrete slab, taking action before the problem worsens is essential.

  • One solution is concrete lifting, which involves injecting foam or grout material under the slab to raise it back to its original level. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to fix sinking concrete slabs. The professionals can complete most projects in just one day. It also requires little or no excavation, which makes it an eco-friendly solution.

  • Other solutions for sinking concrete slabs include mud jacking, which involves drilling small holes in the slab and injecting a slurry mixture under it, raising it to its original level. However, mud jacking could lead to further damage as the slurry mixture could add weight to the already-sinking slab, making it sink further.

  • Another solution is replacing the concrete slab entirely. However, this solution is costly and time-consuming, and it could lead to damage to surrounding structures or landscaping.

Lifted: The Advantages of Concrete Lifting Solutions

Apart from low concrete lifting prices, it also requires little or no excavation. It also has a long-lasting effect, and the foam or grout material injected beneath the slab could provide additional support to the slab, making it stronger.

Concrete lifting is also quick and efficient, and it could save you time and money compared to other solutions. Additionally, the injected material is waterproof, which makes it resistant to water damage, further protecting your slab from damage.

Say Goodbye to Sinking Slabs with Ram Jack by American Leveling

If you notice signs of a sinking concrete slab, contact a professional concrete lifting company in OKC, such as Ram Jack, by American Leveling, for a consultation and solution. They use advanced techniques and materials to provide long-lasting solutions that save time and money.


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