Reasons to Call a Foundation Inspection Specialist

Foundation keeps your entire home structure stable and has a significant role in keeping your home standing. Most homeowners in Oklahoma City get the vision of costly repair when they hear about foundation repair. Some people don’t know home foundation inspections aren’t very expensive or affordable. An excellent structural engineer needs to do it to get a good inspection done for your home. They need the knowledge and experience to give you the possible solutions to your extensive foundation problem. Sometimes the problems aren’t as big as you might think, but an expert eye is always better.

Who Can Do Foundation Inspection?

Home foundation inspection in Oklahoma City doesn’t look very hard, as everyone can go around their house and see if something’s wrong. You might even see and understand some problems but knowing what is causing them and how to repair them is another thing that everyone does not know. You need an experienced foundation repair specialist who knows all about this. They know how a foundation can break and also have the knowledge to repair it. They even know where to look to find the problems considering your safety, and give you the best solutions.

When Do You Need Inspection?

A home foundation inspection is at least necessary twice a year. There are many reasons why your foundation can face problems, as the soil can shift due to seismic activity, and water and wind also destroy the construction materials. Some of the reasons why you might need foundation repair are:


Sometimes, the problems in your foundation aren’t very serious and should not be rushed into. For example, if you have a hairline crack that is vertical on your foundation, it is not an emergency situation, but on the other hand, if the crack is horizontal, then it should be taken seriously. A professional can do your home foundation inspection properly and tell you which one isn’t that serious, and you can do the repair later. Some of the issues that don’t fall in an emergency situation but can become one later are:

  • Water getting inside the basement

  • Bulging foundation

  • Windows that are loose from the foundation

  • Cracked window

  • A soft or sloping floor

Tackling Emergency the Right Way

A professional should be called for a home foundation inspection if your home is in a questionable situation because of some natural event. If the case is extreme, you might need to relocate to another place temporarily. To get the repair done immediately, you need to look for a foundation repair service available 24/7. Some of the situations that need immediate assistance from a professional are:

  • House hit by some equipment

  • Expansion joint separation

  • Severe earthquake

  • Sinkholes

  • Severe flooding

  • Heavy snowfall

The Necessary Recommendation for Your Foundation

Ram Jack, by American Levelling, is a foundation repairing service that has been in this business for many years and provides terrific work for all their clients. Call them to get a free inspection.


4 Different Types of Foundation Cracks and What Causes Them


Identifying the Primary Reasons for Hiring a Structural Engineer - Infographic