Smart Tips to Get Your Home Ready to Combat Earth-quake

Earthquakes may have detrimental effects, and even more than any other natural disasters. However, here is the big question underlying. How to make your home ready for earthquakes? We will get you covered. You can also contact the house foundation repair specialist of Oklahoma.

Today, we will share some valuable tips with you. Make sure you are sticking to the article till its end.

Insurance is primary

If you are living in an earthquake prone area, then insurance is highly essential for your home. A recent study states, a quake can cause damage depending on the magnitude. On that note, insurance would be a good option for you. It will help to rebuild your home, where you can spend your life normally. However, if you already have an insurance policy, make sure to upgrade it.

Home based on strong foundation

New homes built on a foundation, whereas the older ones don’t have any. To eliminate the tremors, you need to firmly fix the foundation with ground. In turn, it will not crumble and wobble. Besides, the walls and the roof should not be attached together. You can reinforce the structure by the following ways-

  • Add the anchor bolts in between the house and foundation.

  • Fix the cracks in the walls.

  • Embrace the cripple wall.

  • Reinforce the chimneys along with garages and the joint shades.

Install shatterproof film glass

Make sure you have installed shatterproof glass in your home. It will prevent the glass from breaking in an earthquake. Even if the glass breaks, it will be held together by the film. Shatterproof films are not expensive. You can purchase it from online. Besides, installation is quite easy with the aid of some of the tools. Not only keeping the glass all right, but it will keep out the harmful UV rays as well.

Check the layout of home

Ensure heavy objects like dressers, water heaters are not hanging. Place them close from the ground. On top of that, don’t hang paintings, chandeliers, glass lamps directly above beds and sofas. Cupboards should have safety latches that will prevent spilling out. Instead of sturdy furniture, a strong wood top table would be better.

Lastly, listen to news to get the latest updates of earthquakes. It will help to stay updated. In turn, you can take all the protective measures to safeguard yourself and your family.

Seeking for professionals? We are here to get you covered

At Ram Jack, professionals are ready to serve you in and around OKC. In other words, they are known as house foundation repair experts. Do reach to us for any foundation related query. We will be happy to help you.


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