The Advantages of Pier and Beam Foundation?

Does your home have a pier and beam foundation? Are you planning to buy a home with pier and home foundation? Though the foundation type is not the most popular one in the country, but you need to know the advantages of implementing it. The pier and beam foundations are made by concrete piers and foundation supports the space alongside the structural beams carrying the weight of house atop.

Advantages of Pier and Beam Foundation

You would see pier and beam foundation in the flood areas. This kind of foundation helps to uplift the home and protects from floods, high tides and moisture damage.

This kind of foundation causes a space known as crawl space. It gives electricians and plumbers access to the pipes and wires easily following which you will be able to do easy repair and installation. On the other hand, a slab foundation, as it has no such crawl space, is difficult to access. Sometimes to access it, you may need to break open the foundation.

Finding, removing or preventing termites are easier with pier and beam foundation. If we presume that wood is not in contact with the ground, the termites must have to come across the tunnel along with the piers and crawl space of the foundation.

With this foundation type, remodeling projects are easier. If you are going to make additional changes to the home, it can save a lot of your money. It happens because like other foundation types, you do not need to dig with it.

As you need to design and built a pier and beam foundation properly at the initial stage, there are lesser chances of expected and expensive repair than a slab foundation.

Builders need less equipment and space for installation. This kind of foundation is place above that is why it has less chance of moisture damage.

If you find issues with the pier and foundation of your home, call Ram Jack by American leveling to repair it. For other foundation types also, you can call me.


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