The Signs and Causes behind Foundation Damages

Most of the house owners are not aware of the foundation problems properly. They do not even know how to identify the foundation damages easily. If you ignore the little problems and wait for the major damages, then you have to spend a lot of money to repair the foundation. Keep in mind that minor cracks that you ignore may pose an overall threat to your house.

The structural integrity of the house mainly depends on the foundation. It supports floors, doorways, roofs, walls and windows. So, if you notice any cracks or damages, then you should contact a house foundation repair company in Oklahoma.

The Signs of Foundation Damages

1. Crooked Doors

If the foundation of your house shifts or settles, then you may notice crooked doors in your house. If there is any moisture problem in the basement, then crooked doors may occur.

2. Excessive Moisture in the Basement

If the basement is wet or a leakage problem occurs in the basement, then it can cause various problems like mold growth, musty smells and sagging floor. Moisture can enter through the cracks in the foundation.

3. May Notice Gaps and Cracks Outside

If you notice cracks in the external bricks of your house or in the chimney, then it is a sign of a foundation problem. The places which hold up a lot of stress, the cracks occur around the places. Whenever you notice these symptoms, do not waste your time. You should contact the house foundation repair service in Oklahoma as soon as possible.

The Reasons behind Foundation Problems

1. Type of soil

The soil underneath the house plays an important role to maintain the stability and strength of the foundation. The damages to the foundation depend on the soil on which your house is built. There are various types of soils and you have to use the soils in various ways to get the maximum usefulness.

2. Natural Disasters

If you live in OKC, then you know that most of the states of the United States are prone to tornadoes and hurricanes. These types of natural disasters can damage various parts of the house easily. Sometimes, the storms damage your foundation in a way that you cannot even understand and the damage can be severe. If you have any doubt in mind about foundation damage after the natural disaster, then you should contact the house foundation repair company immediately.

Call for Professionals

If you want to inspect or repair the foundation of your house, then you can call Ram Jack in Oklahoma. The experts will inspect the foundation and tell if the foundation needs any repair.


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