The Water Leakage Impact on Your Foundation

Slab foundations are made from concrete and are directly fastened to the concrete footings, which are also used. Reinforced steel bars anchor the footings to the slab. Your home's foundation is supported by the slab foundation. Faulty construction of the slab will cause water leaks, as well as soil movement, beneath the slab. There are several factors that cause water leaks under the slab, such as:

  • Expansion and contraction of the soil

  • Obstructing proper drainage of water

  • No gutters

Water can get into your home if there are leaks under a slab foundation. It can also cause the affected soil to heave, damaging the structure of the home as a result. Many of the damage include:

  • Steeply rising floors

  • The doors and windows will be difficult to open.

  • Concave or convex walls

Having a professional come in and examine your foundation is absolutely critical if you suspect a water leak in your subfloor. To get a free inspection from the experts of foundation repair service, look them up online or give them a call.

The Reasons behind Leaks

A badly wrapped pipe causes a leak: Any water pipe will expand and contract, especially those that transport hot water. To protect pipes from contacting the concrete slab foundation, pipes are typically wrapped in order to be placed underground. If pipes are incorrectly wrapped, they can wear out from being in contact with each other and leak. Foundation repair may be needed to the pipe.

Earth movements and shifts: Earth movements like those that occur during an earthquake can eventually occur when your concrete slab foundation is in place. Shifting can put a lot of pressure on the underground water lines and could lead to the pipes cracking and leaking.

Reactions of chemicals: This type of process is known as electrolysis, which is a chemical decomposition that happens when pipes manufactured from copper are placed in the soil, where they will eventually react with different minerals. Cold water pipes, in contrast to hot water pipes, corrode from the outside to the inside, and warm water pipes start to break down from the inside to the outside. If this reaction takes place over time, it will gradually corrode your pipes, causing leaks.

Weak Lines of Water: Minor damage such as small nicks may occur to the concrete slab when it is poured, because water lines are laid down under the slab. However, repeated, seemingly harmless occurrences, over time, can erode pipes and turn into a leak-causing crack.

Call Ram Jack at Norman, OK if you are looking for a credible foundation repair service.


Why Should You Repair the Foundation Issues of the House?


Choosing the Efficient Foundation Repair Company