Try Bell Bottom Pier Method for Foundation Repair Work

Foundation Repair work is the most essential one when it is actually needed. Skipping the foundation work will ultimately tear your pocket, including consuming your precious time. If you are from Edmond and facing foundation problems, then this article is meant for you.

In this article, we will discuss the Bell Bottom Pier method to repair your foundation. You may have some questions still brimming on your mind. Continue reading the article to find out the answers. We will try to cover all the aspects to gain some of the knowledge after finishing the article.

Let’s take a cursory look.

What influences the cost of Bell Bottom pier repair?

Based on the demand and availability, the price of the foundation repair is always changing. This includes the materials, cost of labor, location, etc. Different methods require different techniques to install the foundation repair and the price varies accordingly.

Besides, the cost also varies based on stabilization or support. Stabilizing needs less manpower. On the other hand, Supporting needs 2X workforce than stabilizing.

Below, some of the more factors will be discussed so that it can be easy-going for you.

Material cost

Foundation repair needs steel rebar, concrete, and dirt. Steel reinforces the rebar within a drilled pier. It is also used for shimming. Shimming is the process to fill the gap between the pier and the home. Generally, it is used for the proper elevation.

Dirt is used to fill the holes that were dug during the repairing work. After filling the hole, it is now ready. All the hard work will help with the longevity of the foundation.

Labor cost

Generally, labor cost varies from place to place. It mainly depends on the ground type and the weather. On-site crew digging and raising the home with jacks included for most of the labor costs. To complete the repair, the age and the depth both are equally important. If you have an understanding of the potential problems, then it will help you to minimize the costs.

Facing foundation repairing the issue? Contact with Ram jack

Are you looking for a foundation repair expert in OKC? At Ram Jack, we have the experienced specialists to deal with your problem. Not only that, you will get the warranty once we do the work. Why you will go anywhere else? Visit our website to know more about us.


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