Unveiling the Process of Foundation Crack Repair

The foundation seems to be the main support structure of your house. Hence you would naturally feel worried when you find cracks in the concrete. Unfortunately, some of these can threaten the structural integrity of your home. That is when relying on a foundation crack repair service becomes compulsory.

Ignoring the problem can lead to more complexities in the long run (such as high-cost repairs). Hence you must pay attention to the foundation today to check the cracks that need immediate repair.

Here are a few steps that can help:

Start with the Inspection Process

Foundation cracks can occur due to several reasons. To repair the cracks and address the reason behind their occurrences, you should investigate your home's foundation. Soil begins to settle over time. Also, water may start infiltrating the foundation walls, leading to the expansion and contraction of the concrete. These factors severely affect the foundation's strength, and the cracks can become a disaster when ignored.

Excessive moisture can also cause cracks in the concrete. Breaks from the settling soil are usually horizontal, whereas cracks due to water infiltration are diagonal or vertical. You must immediately take a foundation crack repair service in case of severe damage.

Preparation for Repair

If you notice any crack that is broader than the hairline, you must remove any loose material like debris, dust, or cracked concrete bits with the help of a stiff wire brush and a flat head screwdriver. Use a chisel and a hammer to broaden the crack slightly and undercut its edges.

After clearing the debris and rinsing the crack with water, pat the region dry using an old towel.

Hairline Crack Repair

You can use a vinyl concrete patching compound to repair thin hairline cracks. After taking the manufacturer's recommendation, you can also apply a primer or a concrete bonding adhesive to form a strong bond between the patching material and the old surface.

Repairing Large-Sized Cracks

You can fill wider cracks with silicone, polyurethane, and latex concrete caulks. It would help if you used a caulking gun to pierce the caulk into the gap. This effectively fills the entire space. Upon applying, allow it to dry. You can reapply when the caulk fails to occupy the whole area of the crack.

Professional Attention to Your Foundation

American Leveling Company uses the most popular Ram Jack repair systems that take complete care of your foundation crack repair needs. Our exceptionally trained professionals ensure the most satisfactory service, restoring your mental peace. Allow us to serve you better!


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