Wall Cracks in the House- Should You Be Concerned About It?

In general, house owners don't pay attention when it comes to a single crack in a wall. But sometimes it can be a major issue if there are several cracks. You may not know when it’s time to worry about these cracks. There are various types of foundation problems that can lead to cracks in the wall and affect your house in different ways. We have discussed how foundation repair companies in Norman, OK can fix this complicated problem in a jiffy.

When The Wall Cracks are More Than Just 'Cracks’?

If the cracks are larger in shape and also indicate other features, then this is a sign of a structural problem. The following indications are:

  • You face difficulties while opening or shutting the doors and windows.

  • One side of the wall is higher compared to the other wall.

  • Cracks are wider than 5mm.

Keep in mind that the problematic wall cracks mainly start at doorways, windows, and house corners. You don’t need to worry about smaller hairline cracks. This type of crack occurs on the wall due to the shrinking clay soils beneath your house and seasonal expansion. The expert foundation repair company can patch and repaint these cracks easily.

Why Do the Cracks Occur on the Wall?

Foundation settlement is one of the most effective reasons behind the wall cracks. If the soil underneath your house settles, the settlement occurs. The settlement happens because of various reasons such as changes in the temperature and moisture content of the soil.

Remember that cracks on the wall not only look ugly and decrease the aesthetic beauty but also damage the structure of the house. The filthy pests can also enter the house and may cause infestation. If you notice several cracks on the wall, contact a professional foundation repair company as soon as possible.

How Can You Fix Cracks in the Wall?

First of all, you should consult with a structural engineer to determine the reason and assess the severity of the cracks. You should follow what the expert suggests. But in general, the most common and long-term solution is to re-support your home. This procedure is also known as underpinning. There are two methods to fix the cracks- one is traditional and the other one is modern.

Most house owners prefer the modern method because of its several advantages. The experts take one day to fix the issue. The house owner doesn't need to move out during the fixing process. The expert can do the fixing around furniture and floor coverings. This process involves no digging at all.

Change Begins at Home!

If you are worried about the wall cracks in your house, consult with a foundation repair company today. The experts can assess the situation and provide the best solution you need to take. You can also call us at Ram Jack, by American Leveling in Norman, OK to get a better recommendation.


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