What Is Mudjacking? What Are the Benefits?

"Mudjacking" is a process that is used to repair a foundation. Two kinds of mudjacking are available. Hydraulic mudjacking are the first type. Hydraulic mudjacking involves drilling small troughs into a concrete plate and under high pressure pumping cement slurry. Between the base and the platform, the slurry is pushed. The sheet can be lifted when enough pressure is applied. It can be a challenge to manage high-pressure lifting slurry. In addition, the high pressure may damage the pipe under the deck, particularly when old cast iron pipes are used. Thus, lifting a concrete plate with piers or pilings is typically efficient.

The second type of jacking is used to fill the vacuum produced by piling or piling a concrete plate from the supporting ground. Sometimes a void between the plate and the soil underneath is created if a concrete plate is sufficiently lifted with plates or pilings. In this scenario, the piers or pilings support the lath. The slab may not be rigid enough to support the section adjacent to the installation of the piers or pilings. If this is the case, the section of the sheet adjacent to the pier or piling part may "sag" under its own weight. If this is possible, mudjacking can be done with little pressure or void filling. In this process, a slurri of cement is pumped into the void created by the lift under low pressures. Following cure, the "mud" mainly puts the dome in contact with the support for the ground.

  • Mudjacking Savings Cash

Want to fix the damaged concrete in an affordable way? A fraction of the cost of replacement of the sheet enters Mudjacking. And slabjacks also cost less than polyjacking because of the cheaper materials used, a similar process of cement repair.

  • Mudjacking Fixes the Problem

Slab replacement does not deal with the voids of soil below the damaged concrete. There are still empty air pockets so the plate may be rested. The soil voids are filled during the slabjacking process. The concrete is therefore much more stable and safe and the repair takes a considerably longer time.

  • Quick Repair of Mudjacking

In contrast to slab replacement, slabjacking repair is not a long process. While bigger jobs can take longer, the majority of mudjacking projects are completed in just one or two hours.

  • Mudjacking Does Not Keep You Waiting

It may take a few weeks to complete the replacement slab. The surface cannot be used until the concrete is healed – it can take a month or more when the work is done. With the mudjacking, immediately after the repair is complete the sheet is ready for light use. The concrete is ready for heavy weight a few hours later or overnight.

  • Eco-friendly Repair

And who doesn't these days if you're trying to go green? – Slabjacking is an optimal method of repair. The cement slurry is made of entirely natural materials, the process produces no waste and very little energy is required for work. In fact, slabjacking is the most environmentally friendly technique of concrete repair.

Contact us for foundation repair in Edmond, OK. Reach us for pier and beam repair and foundation shifting problem.


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