What You Should Learn About Foundation Warranties?

Foundation warranties are facilities provided by the foundation companies for the wellbeing of your foundation. It is one of those attractive policies that brings more people to the company. You must be aware about the kinds of warranties your foundation company provides. You need to read the contract carefully before claiming for anything. It would be better for you to have some talk with your foundation company about the warranties before hiring them.

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Warranty period

Warranty period is subjected to changes in terms of availing the benefits. Warranty period may differ from one to another. Every company does not provide the same warranty period. Some companies can provide a warranty period up to 5 years whereas there are some other companies who can provide a period up to 10 years. Customers might go for a longer warranty period but in that case you have to maintain a stronger budget. The longer the period goes the more money you will pay. If you are in the state of Oklahoma, you can look for formidable Foundation Repair Companies, who will take care of the foundation by providing you a perfect warranty policy.

What are the facilities?

A foundation company can provide so many facilities in the name of "warranties". It includes:

  • Floor framing

  • Roofing

  • Footing and foundation systems

  • Walls and partitions

  • Girder

Steps to follow in order to make your policy intact:

  • In case of ownership changes, you need to contact the foundation repair company within thirty days of the ownership transfer.

  • In order to make sure that your policy is intact, do not add a new room or garage in your home. This can make your policy void. You need to read the contract carefully before performing such activities.

  • There are many warranties that do not cover natural disasters like, earthquake, flood, fire etc. In future, if you become the victim of one of these disasters, you might face this issue.

Respond to your call

You can fill a claim any time you want. You just need to make sure that you have let your company know about your current claim. After that the company will respond to your call and do what is necessary. In case of unresponsiveness, you can file a complaint against them.


The policy-holder should not bear any cost in this matter. It's the duty of the company to bear the costs as long as your policy is valid. There are many foundation repair companies available in the state of Oklahoma whom you can look at for the consultation of foundation warranties.

With the Ram Jack you will feel the difference. We are inclined to provide you with the best foundation services. Our repair specialists will make an early solution to your foundation problem. You can schedule an appointment with us and we will be gladto discuss our policies with you. Call us now to get a free foundation analysis for free.