Why Do You Need to Repair or Replace House Foundation

It's common for homeowners to think that if their foundation is damaged or fractured, they should simply fix it rather than replace the entire structure. It's vital to look at all of your alternatives when it comes to home repairs in order to get the most value for your money and minimize the inconvenience to your family.

You can rely on Ramjack for all of your foundation needs. We can do a thorough assessment of your foundation and provide you with expert advice and a written estimate. Call or e-mail us immediately to arrange for a no-obligation estimate on foundation repair!

Exactly What Is Causing My Foundation Issues?

Your home's foundation settlement is caused by shrinking, settling, or when the soil underneath cannot support the weight. The stability, strength, and general condition of your foundation are all affected by changes that take place in those soils, such as shrinkage and drying, softening and compacting, and swelling.

Expansive soils have produced buckling and bowing walls in a foundation. When clay-rich soils soak up water, they expand significantly.

This can put hundreds of pounds of pressure on your home's foundation walls, causing them to buckle and bow inward. Because of structural problems, it's unlikely that a home's foundation will improve on its own. Your home is likely to be damaged on a regular basis as the wet and dry periods persist. As quickly as possible, the problem should be dealt with.

Replacement of the Foundation

Heavy machinery is brought in to completely remove the dirt surrounding your property and expose the foundation.

You should expect to see the foundation stripped down to the bare bones if you plan on moving in. As the foundation walls and slab floor are demolished, the house would need to be "jacked up" on temporary supports. Construction of the new foundation will be followed by the installation of the home and replacement of the soil as well as the restoration of the landscape features.

It is disruptive, time-consuming, and significantly more expensive than foundation restoration to go through this process. A foundation's condition may be affected by changes in temperature and moisture in the surrounding soil, depending on the type of soil.

Repairing the foundation

It is important to understand how and why damage occurred, and how specialist materials and procedures can be used to perform long-term repairs, after a complete foundation assessment by a foundation repair professional.

Many options exist for resolving the issue. Foundation wall anchors may be recommended if your foundation walls are buckling. If your foundation has settled, consider installing foundation piers to help stabilize the ground.

Even though house foundation repair can be done year-round, many of these repairs can be completed in a single day. We offer a guarantee on all foundation products, as well as our personal performance guarantee.

The foundation should be repaired whenever possible, despite the fact that some foundations can't be fixed at all. As well as being intrusive and expensive, a whole foundation replacement does not address the root of the issue: your foundation soils. You should expect the same soil to "break" your new foundation as it did the previous one because you've built it on the same troublesome soil.

Is Foundation Repair More Effective Because of These Factors?

It's not enough for a foundation contractor to merely fix a foundation that's been harmed. Their house foundation repair plan will take into account the soil and site conditions that caused the initial difficulties, so that they will not reappear.

As an example, push piers, which extend deep below your foundation, stretch beyond inadequate supporting soils to bedrock or competent strata in order to sustain your foundation and permanently stop settlement.

The soils outside of your foundation are used to offset inward pressure by anchoring the walls. As a reminder, foundation problems can occur in any type of home regardless of its age, size, or style.

If you are confronting any house foundation issues, see us at Ramjack by American Leveling.


What Should You Know About Foundation Repair? - Infographic


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