A Leaning Chimney Speaks for a Foundation Problem

Over the recent colder months of the year, it's likely that you've used your chimney. Now that spring is coming, it's time to get outside and examine your chimney more closely. It's crucial to understand that a leaning chimney is a common foundation issue that can indicate foundation failure. Furthermore, leaning chimneys put you, your neighbors, and your neighbors in danger. If you find any issues with your chimney, you can contact a professional of home foundation inspection to have it inspected.

The Reasons of a Leaning Chimney

If you've noticed that your chimney has started to lean, tilt, or detach from your house, you should know what's causing it. As it turns out, there are many triggers for this type of problem. The majority of issues arise from the ground surrounding your chimney, which is often accompanied by issues with the footing at the base of your chimney. The footing is a small slab that supports the entire structure's weight. Consider the following scenario:

  • The chimney was built on a footing that was too thin.

  • The soil in the area around your chimney is of low quality.

  • The foundation of your chimney is deteriorating.

  • The base is too shaky.

Ramjack Has Solution for You

You'll need additional assistance of professionals for home foundation inspection to stabilize and straighten your chimney's structure. Helical piers may be used to do this. Helical Piers resemble a giant screw in appearance and function. We use industry standard helical piers for correcting the leaning chimneys.

If you have a sagging chimney, don't put it off any longer.

Do not wait if you see your chimney leaning, tilting, splitting, or cracking. A leaning chimney is a sign of foundation failure, so keep that in mind. For a free inspection and estimate, contact Ramjack so we can get your chimney solid and straight again.


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