Causes behind Pier and Beam Foundation Damage

Foundation damage can be caused by many things in houses with pier and beam foundations. Make sure you find out about the causes and repairs to the foundations. If your base of your beam and pier worsens, it may be fixed by a certain number of things. By contacting RamJack in OKC, it is imperative to stop harmful conditions by going for a pier and beam foundation repair.

Reason behind Foundation Damage with Pier and Beam

The house foundations can be caused by expansive clay soil and the four things. See here to know and find out how a pier and beam foundation repair.

  • Earth movement can impact your base by creating cracks. You can have to mount or change existing pilings in steel or concrete.

  • Uncompact soil damages your pier and beam and it may lead to house problems. It is necessary to stop problems with common piers and beams. Cracking, for example, involves urgent solutions.

  • Inadequate drainage systems in Oklahoma could kill your foundation and cause problems.

  • Another source of damage is plumbing leaks. It protects your beam and pier and knows what is harmful to your foundation.

Foundation Repair

You need to have it fixed immediately to avoid corrosion of your beam and pier structure. The truth is, pier and beam structures can be broken by many factors, and so as soon as you know what causes the damage, you need to have the foundation repairs. Avoid detrimental problems by the construction of concrete base piers or steel piers. If you think that you break the base, get solutions and avoid cracks and other problems immediately.

Which Company to Hire?

Ram Jack Foundation of American Leveling located in OKC is one of the most reliable companies. You can trust us for pier and beam foundation repair. Our team will inspect the errors thoroughly and provide you with a permanent remedy. Give us a call or mail us by placing your requirement as soon as possible.

Pier and beam foundation damage can be repaired if you call a professional repair service. See here to learn about the causes and get it fixed.


The Foundation Repair Process – The Steps


Stages Involved in a Home Foundation Development