Stages Involved in a Home Foundation Development

Home foundation inspection is essential when for both the new and the old homes. It is important for the new ones to check the durability and the construction process of the home. Besides, regular inspections will help to identify the problems. This will help to make the construction process cheaper and if there are any faults, it will be detected too.

  • Stage of foundation

In this stage, the inspector will check for the appropriate signage in and around the building site. On top of that, the inspector will also look for the building’s orientation, including the road access and the wall location. Besides, they will also check for the termite control and the electrical meter location box.

  • Stage of framing

In this particular stage, the home foundation inspector will check the plumbing connection. They will check if the columns, beam, and lintels are properly working. They will also check the doors and the windows are in the right place according to the plan. This includes the checking of the perimeter termite barrier.

  • Stage of waterproofing

Home foundation inspection involves the checking of the roof and the manufactures specifications. This includes whether the roofing plumbing is right or whether the damp proofing is in place. Besides, the check of the weep holes and the window openings also need to be checked, whether the brickwork is good and the plumbing is working in good condition.

  • Stage of painting

In this stage, the inspector will check if the window opening on the shower if it is appropriately sealed or not. On top of that, he/she will also check if the doors are functioning correctly, including checking the fitting of skirting. This stage also includes the checking of the outdoor areas like the patios and the pergolas. It is to be done to ensure the garage can function correctly.

  • Final stage of inspection

This stage entailed the handover of the copy of the detailed inspection. When it is handover to the party, the party will catch the foundation’s issues. If any problems are there, then it can be remedied early to prevent from costing a lump sum amount.

If you need a home foundation inspection at a relatively lower price, then, Ram Jack is there for you, located in OKC. Our efficient inspectors will do the hard task as they have years of experience. Contact us to know more.


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