Knowing More About Different Types of Ceiling Cracks

It is tough to understand whether the crack you notice in your ceiling is cosmetic or a structural "red flag." You have to see the crack's size, location, and cause, to determine what it is. The main reason ceiling crack is hard to decipher is that it comes in different patterns and coloration, and you must consider the proper repair.

Another thing that is hard to understand is if the crack is old or new. It is generally a good idea to get a little investigation done by home foundation repair services in Oklahoma City to know more about it. The following blog will help you understand how to diagnose a ceiling crack.

Hairline Ceiling Crack

These kinds of cracks are tiny, narrow fissure which looks like there is hair in the drywall. These cracks are usually caused because of drywall mud issues. The plaster shrinks and expands in extreme humidity and temperature, directly correlated with water absorption. This can make the adhesive characteristics of the drywall mud weak.

The professionals from home foundation repair services claim that the odds of fine hairline cracks increase for people with many layers of paint. Not just that, it can create a scaly texture on your ceiling.

Brown Ceiling Crack

Sometimes you might notice yellow, brown, or other discoloration, which primarily indicates water damage. It can be from a busted water pipe or roof leak. You can understand how fresh the leak is by touching the damp area of the ceiling.

It is essential to inspect where the leak is starting leak and repair it before it gets worse. Discoloration usually does not indicate severe structural damage, but moisture can create many problems. Home foundation repair services say it can cause spalling, mold, and rotting drywall.

Crack Between Ceiling and Wall

Most of the ceiling cracks that look like it is pulling away from the wall are because of truss uplift. The truss is the frame of the roof, which helps to determine its shape. This is designed in a way that it can be flexible and adjust to high temperatures.

But sometimes, because of extreme weather conditions, it can pull away from the ceiling. This can lead to an unattractive-looking gap between your wall and ceiling. This is because of incorrect attachment to the ceiling to a non-load-bearing wall.

Call the Right Repairmen

Now that you know what can go wrong because of ceiling crack, call professionals from Ram Jack, by American Leveling. The specialist is proud to help you maintain the most vital structure of your home, and they provide a lifetime warranty.