The Vital Pier and Beam Foundation Facts You Might Have Skipped

Do you belong to that homeowners' community that thinks every foundation's needs are the same? Revelation: That's not true. Your specific requirements may differ depending on the location. Among the various repair types, pier and beam foundation repair is prevalent in the southern regions of the United States. Today's blog will focus on this foundation type and its installation procedure.

Undoubtedly, your building draws its strength and stability from the foundation. And whenever you notice any issue with this fragment, it raises safety concerns. Hence, people rush toward the foundation repair professionals to fix the devastation. But what about the pier and beam foundation? What is its installation procedure? RamJack by American Leveling Company has stored all the crucial information in this blog post.

Starting the Exploration with the Definition

Pier and beam foundation represents a large-sized cylindrical column that acts as a supportive framework of the superstructure. It also assists in transferring the load into underground strata. People often refer to it as footings that help to hold the structure in its place.

The piers and the beams work together for the load-transferring work. These are mainly helpful for residential building constructions. Before you look for a pier and beam foundation repair service, you must acquire knowledge about its components.

Component 1: The concrete piers play a significant role in anchoring the foundation to the ground.

Component 2: The piles or the posts run between the piers.

Component 3: The wooden beams are the support system of the property's weight.

Less-Known Importance: Pier and beam foundations are essential for homes to get optimum protection from moisture and flooding.

Are There Any Noteworthy Advantages?

RamJack by American Leveling Company reveals that pier and beam foundation has numerous benefits that homeowners might overlook. Let's see what one can expect from these foundation types:

  • The availability of high crawl space leaves opportunities for electrical and plumbing installations. As the construction of these foundation types helps to raise the structures, homeowners can ensure maximum safety from flooding and moisture.

  • The pier and beam foundation repair costs are lower than other foundation repair types.

  • One can construct these on any plot.

Watch the Foundation Worries Subside

This post has covered all the details of the pier and beam foundation. We aimed to eliminate all the doubts from your mind and replace them with less-known information. If you want more information from our experts, you can contact us via the "submit form" on our website. Ramjack is always here to help you!


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