Reasons Behind Cracks in Your Basement Walls

The foundation issue is one of the most significant structural concerns for any potential buyer or house owner, undoubtedly. Therefore, it is no surprise that we get panicked seeing any sign of cracks in the basement walls, but the fact is, cracking can occur there due to various reasons.

Several solutions are out there, from hiring foundation crack repair professionals to going for DIY procedures to address the problem. The question is, which type of crack is worth worrying about?

Are Cracks in the Basement Wall Signs of Foundation Errors?

In general, two types of cracks you may notice in your basement walls - minor and major. Damages that are vertical or zigzag don’t give you any major trouble. But whenever you see horizontal cracks in the wall, try to contact foundation crack repair experts immediately.

Why Do Cracks Occur in the Basement Wall?

  • Moist Soil

From time to time, the ground underneath the foundation, may get drenched and lead to foundation settlement. Footings are essential for the structures that support the basement walls.

When the ground under a basement gets too much moisture, the footing falls and causes cracks in the wall. Cleaning the gutter regularly and positioning all downspouts at least six feet from your house can solve this issue.

  • Minor DIY Repair

Sometimes, we drill basement walls to set up the gas or electric lines without prior knowledge about how to do it. As a result, it can lead to cracking in the wall and other problems. Generally, cracks occur in the corners of windows.

  • When the Underlying Soil Get Too Dry

Lack of moisture in the ground can cause cracks in the basement walls. The ground will dry out and shrink when there is a drought. Consequently, the basement walls will shift and lead to the footing settling.

We Care to Repair

Whenever you notice foundation problems in your house; we recommend you call a professional. Visit the Ram Jack by American Leveling to learn more about the issues. Furthermore, our foundation crack repair experts will devise a plan to fix it.


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