That Creaking Sound Is Not Spooky: Foundation Issues in House

Is your house making spooky noises? Or talking to you every night? The creaking sounds of the wooden floors can be a sign of foundation damage. This is a widespread problem in Oklahoma. So, do not consider it to be a spirit that has come to possess you! Consider with your foundation repair expert and get your OKC house repaired.

If you have built a house long ago, some natural expansions would occur. These expansions can cause severe foundation damage, leading to creaking sounds. But what are the reasons behind expansions? Let us find out more about that.

Reasons Why Your House Is Creaking?

Bad Construction: According to leading foundation repair personnel of Edmond, OK, countless houses face foundation damage due to the poor quality of construction work. Cracks are inevitable if a building is not built following proper safety codes.

House Settling: After the house is built, the soil under the house tends to shift. As a result, the house and the foundation start to sink into the ground gradually. This is a very long process called settling. It occurs due to the immense pressure from the weight of the house. But during this process, the foundation of the house gets damaged heavily due to uneven settling. As a result, you would see cracks and hear creaking noises in your home.

External Temperature: The external temperature plays a vital role in foundation damage. During the daytime, when the temperature is high, the parts of the foundation start to expand. As a result, the house begins to put heavy pressure on the foundation.

Then, at daybreak, when the temperature begins to fall, the expanded areas start to shrink again. During this time, the foundation often gets damaged due to the uneven expansion and shrinkage of different materials. This type of damage causes some of the loudest creaking noises.

Weather: Often, during the dryer time of the year, it is seen that soil under the house starts to shrink and shift away from the foundation of the house. The opposite of this is also possible. If there is a lot of rainfall, the soil around the house gets loose from all that water. As a result, the earth would drastically expand, increasing pressure on the building.

Why Trusting Ramjack Is a Great Idea?

Are you tired of hearing creaking noises from the house? It doesn’t have to be like that. Call Ramjack by American Leveling today to get the best foundation repair service in OKC. With the help of a skilled team such as ours, we can assure you that no matter how big the problem is, we well solve it for you.


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